Friday, September 19, 2008

St. Louis Stagaire - Niche and An American Place

It's been a month since I've been working at a restaurant, and I've been getting increasingly antsy because of it. That's why as soon as we got to St. Louis, I contacted two of the best restaurants in the city to get some work for a few days.

Wednesday night I worked at An American Place, one of Larry Forgione's restaurants. The chef there is on the way out and Chef Larry is in Vegas opening a restaurant, so the place is in a bit of disarray. The sous chef Chris is left in charge for the time being, and he's a pretty young guy, but he's doing a pretty good job, especially considering he has no sous chef to lean on. Fortunate for Chris but bad for me is that they are really, really slow right now, so it's not the most opportune time for me to work there. Still, I'm working there tonight for someone who needs the night off. Oh yeah, and Lily and I are hopefully going to get some food out of this, and what I've sampled at An American Place is pretty good stuff.

Chris pointed me to Niche, which is probably the "hot" restaurant in St. Louis with a Food and Wine Best New Chef in Gerard Craft, who is a really cool guy. He and his staff like to do the "molecular gastronomy" thing, which I am still skeptical of, but they use it subtly in a way that I think makes sense. Cooking is all about control and manipulation, and these guys are just occasionally using (relatively) new ways to control and manipulate food. I've been learning a lot in the couple days I've worked so far, and Lily's going to join us in the kitchen on Monday, so that means pictures are coming soon.


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